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Letter I received from AAP and My response....

This is the email I got and my response is below. Of course AAP has neither acknowledged my mail nor do I expect them to since you see they are god, perfection rolled into one.

From: Aam Aadmi Party
To: Ravindra Vasisht <................> 
Sent: Wednesday, 2 April 2014 9:53 PM
Subject: Why did Arvind Kejriwal resign?

Dear Ravindra Vasisht
As an Aam Aadmi Party supporter, you must have been asked a hundred times, why Arvind Kejriwal resigned as the Delhi Chief Minister? Well, here is the answer.
AAP got only 28 of 70 seats in the Delhi Assembly election. Still, the Lt Governor invited Arvind to form the government, as the Congress (with 8 seats) had offered unconditional support. Finding it hard to believe, Arvind sent a letter to the Congress President listing out the 18 points in the AAP manifesto, including passing of the Jan Lokpal bill. The Congress reverted saying it will support AAP unconditionally on all 18 points. With this commitment, Arvind formed the minority government in Delhi.
However, when AAP presented the Jan Lokpal bill in the Assembly, the Congress and the BJP came together to ensure the bill is not passed. The Aam Aadmi Party had won the vote and trust of citizens of Delhi on the plank of anti corruption. And since the minority government could not pass the Jan Lokpal bill that was promised to citizens of Delhi, Arvind resigned. 
Click on the link below to know why Arvind resigned in Delhi.
Why Kejriwal Resigned
The Aam Aadmi Party will return to form the government with a full majority and pass the Jan Lokpal and Swaraj bills in Delhi Assembly.
Please share this email with all those who have asked you this question. To support us, click here to donate to the Lok Sabha election fund.
Jai Hind
Aam Aadmi Party Team    

Dear Folks

Firstly thanks for addressing this issue which means that finally, even if late you are realising that this is becoming an issue that is affecting your party.

Secondly AAP has a set of followers/supporters who are like a cult. Any nonsense you spew they will lap it up as gospel truth. For the really educated aware citizens like me, your bluff and rhetoric does not impress me. If you have the patience and humility, read this email below or if you have the arrogance to believe that you know all and riding some kind of a wave, hit the delete button now.

Background :
  1. I participated in your IAC movement and donated money.
  2. I donated money to AAP and you are the ONLY political party to who I have donated in  my life.
  3. I honestly felt that AAP can make a difference.
My opinion now :
  • AAP is arrogant. Anyone who disagrees or questions you, you term them as corrupt or whatever.
  • AAP sees no need to have a economic policy or have the humility to learn by getting in various thoughts.
  • AAP is no longer aam aadmi - it is hijacked by a set of people who have money, influence, social standing and having failed to grow further or get desired opportunities in politics due to the barriers have jumped on your band wagon. Not all but many.  Your support base grew AFTER you won Delhi.
  • AAP should have first learnt  how to govern in Delhi and then go national. Your ambitions are woefully divergent from your capabilities or talent. At this rate if I hear tomorrow that  you want to take over the UNO or USA or  EU and change the world I would not be surprised. I am being sarcastic here.
Delhi episode :
  1. You won on a anti congress platform. Dont be stupid to drag BJP in  since neither the central or state government for the last 10 years was from BJP. 
  2. The mood overwhelmingly is anti congress and after AK swears on his children, 24 hrs later he accepts congress support. Dont give me the bull shit that they supported, you didnt ask etc. That is balderdash.
  3. The circumstances on which you quit Delhi were unwarranted, nonsensical and irrelevent.  Let me tell you why.
  4. A state government has 70% administrative work and only 30% is legislative. So even assuming that you could not get anything passed in the assembly you could have still had a tremendous impact on the 70%  by showing what you are capable of. Results on the 70% could have meant that 2019 LS you could aim to win power on your own steam.
  5. Let me now assume that you have all 70 seats in Delhi assembly and zero opposition. Can you get the Janlok pal bill passed, approved, notified and gazetted as law ?????  The answer is NO.  So cut the crap that cong/bjp ganged up against you. Your cult members will swallow that but not the educated aware voters.  For making it approved/notified you would still need the MHA, Governor, President and your bill could be blocked at any level and delayed for years.
  6. If you guys had even an ounce of brains and  as  principled and sincere as you claim you had 2 options to take both of which were practical, possible and would have resulted in huge support for you morally. Option (1) Amend the existing Delhi lokayukta act to modify it in line with your Janlokpal. You did not need any prior approvals and could have presented this in assembly for discussion and exposed cong/bjp. Option (2) You could have accepted the constitutional requirement/ procedure and kept advertising its status to the people  and exposed cong/bjp that it is being deliberately delayed even if you follow procedure as per law.  You folks did neither and instead  walked away since you realised that talk is cheap and easy but action is costly and tough.
  7. After having brandished 300 pages of evidence against Sheila Dikshit you arrogantly wanted BJP to give evidence - shows either you were bluffing or in bed with congress.
  8. You started smartly by announcing a CAG audit of the discoms but even before the audit happens you took them head on and made a mess and a drama. Again stupidity.
I can go on and on but let me stop here.

Overall :
  • Above all you should have stayed in government and quietly  worked to bring about change. Demonstrate to the people what a difference you can make. This if you had done would have gone a long way to helping your Lok Sabha campaign, but you didnt.
  • You should have focussed on say 50 to 60 LS seats and put the entire might of your support/finance and tried to get at least 5 to 10  seats. Instead you want to contest 300, 400 and what not, spread yourself thin. That to me is again stupidity and blind ambition without vision.
  • Whatever argument you may give about BJP being the real competition your excessive focus on BJP is making your campaign counter productive. You are perceived and exceedingly believed to be a stooge of the congress. In politics remember perception is often fact.
  • You dont criticise congress with the argument that they are history. This shows either supreme arrogance or again that you  are in bed with congress behind the scenes.
  • Dont blame media since the same media created you. But your constant dharnas and protests without substance,  shoot and scoot at all and sundry shows a seriously juvenile teenage tantrum behaviour than maturity to lead a state let alone a nation.
  • On issues economic  you have zero knowledge and think that if you state a bluff a hundred times people will believe it. Yes, your cult members will. But remember a cult is never large enough to rule a state or country. At best they will always be a painful pimple on the bottom.
  • Learn from Mamata in WB, she also started her CM as a street protestor but quickly learnt from criticism and today doing well and getting excellent ratings quietly. But AAP seems to have the supreme arrogance that you know all, you are the only honest people in this country and the rest of us citizens are fools. Congress incidentally also thinks the same way except they dont talk of honesty too much
  • This feedback from a educated, intelligent citizen can either be thrown with a delete action or can be an opportunity to change course and become a change agent in India.
  • Lastly I am no astrologer to predict what will happen in the delhi assembly. Seems it would be difficult for AAP to win but all I can say is that I wish that AAP wins all 70 seats. That way either AAP will destroy itself completely and become a footnote in Indian history if you continue the same arrogant, holier than thou, intolerant, immature attitude OR you will become sober, stop protesting, become more humble, be more accommodative and when that happens you will also have to start compromises in politics.
Time will tell the answer.




parasuram said…
Ravindra's comments and thread bear criticism is appropriate and accurate. I am one more, who got manipulated by the loud talks of the one man band of AAP. From day 1, he is going strong against one man in BJP as if he is paid for that and his mission is only to strengthen the hands of Congress. Corrupt in Congress have never been his target.
Unknown said…
OR look at it like this:
1) AAP wanted to rule in Delhi and change the system there
2) BUT after receiving such an overwhelming response in and OUTSIDE Delhi, they realized (may be they are wrong) that they can compete at national level
3) They went for it.

I still believe they are lesser than the 3 evils out there..
Unknown said…
Well I don't think it had passed down to all the AAP supporters, but the way corruption has rapidly eaten up natural resources of India, atleast a few see an urgency to change things as soon as possible. So even if Arvind Kejriwal resigned thinking he should take on National elections, I think he has paid a smaller price for the greater good.
Unknown said…
Considering that Congress will go down on its own because of their lots of exposed scams, I think going against BJP as primary target for election is logical.
Between, they have gone rounds and rounds against corrupted in Congress many times.
Unknown said…
As of current date, I will put AAP under an unorganized category rather than an evil category.
piyushvardhan said…
I have only one question to ask you guys - doesn't matter you support AAP or not - why all the parties came together and changed People's representative Act? Do you have answer - especially the one enlightened who has written this blog. BJP has already formed govt once? What did they do for democratic reforms? Why they are still giving hard core criminals? It's not matter of 10 years - scam did not took place in the last 10 years. I know you guys supported AAP without understanding the whole fight and that is why now it is difficult to understand what AAP stands for. You focused more on speeches made by AAP candidates but lost the whole concept of AAP. If blind supporters of such type continues to support AAP, it will loose its relevance very soon and the direct benefit will go to corrupt parties like BJP and Congress.
Unknown said…
Growing an organization is not an easy job. Everyone can make mistakes. How do you justify the Gas Price hike. You produce for a dollar and sell it for 8 dollars?
Unknown said…
And i would put BJP and Congress both under the EVIL category
Unknown said…
Interesting thing is not just the hike, but the fact that they don't want to be transparent. Just hiding behind a report that has complex pricing formula.
Today's HINDU only has a report saying one of the solicitor general saying that a state government filing a FIR against Central government is invalid, because its a lower legislature.
Another solicitor general says that courts should not intervene in government policy decisions. Court was only asking why they chose one way of pricing model over the other.
This is not a policy on national security, so why there is a need to not be transparent? - Completely baffles me!
Sanjay Kumar said…
Don't tell me that you were an AAP supporter - I read few of your blogs from the past and it clearly shows your views about AAP... Since day one you were criticizing AAP in very SWEET way.. Don't try to be Sweet , be bold and say what you want to say.
Unknown said…
Nice catch. I also read his other blogs, clearly a BJP supporter. He should be glad that there is a party who even response to their rival supporters.
Rakesh Kumar said…
Did u also tried getting response from BJP on any issues by any chance or you are just blind. while wasting so muc time writing blog did u forget that u need to use same scale if you are measuring 2 things. Are not you judging AAP for failure only? you lack common sense
Vasisht said…
Firstly I must acknowledge that unlike other established parties AAP chose to respond. I need not agree but I must appreciate the time taken to respond. I reproduce it below

Dear Ravindra ji
Thank you for your mail. We understand your concern about the resignation of AAP government.

First of all, we need to understand the reason behind the formation of Aam Aadmi Party. During India Against Corruption Andolan, instead of accepting and passing the Janlokpal bill, the politicians challenged IAC to fight elections and come in the parliament to pass our own Janlokpal bill. Then a sect of IAC team lead by Arvind accepted this challenge and decided to form a political party to enter into parliament and pass the Janlokpal bill. The first step towards this was fighting Delhi elections and passing Delhi Lokayukta on the lines of this Janlokpal Bill. This was the first point in our Delhi manifesto.

Since we had only 28 seats and were in minority, we were not in a position to form the government. We were offered "unconditional support" by the Congress and "issue-based support" by the BJP. We had listed out an 18-point agenda which contained promises we had made to the citizens of Delhi and asked them to specifically confirm their support on the same. The Congress said that on 16 of the issues their support was not required as it was the prerogative of the government and they would support the two legislative issues of Janlokpal and Swaraj bill. The BJP, instead of clarifying their position, said they will give constructive support.

The necessity of Janlokpal bill was to eradicate corruption from the system. Since corruption lies at the root of most problems in this country, governance and policies become meaningless if they are allowed to be guided by corrupt considerations. When the special assembly session was called to table and discuss the Janlokpal and Swaraj bill, on the first day of session, both Congress and BJP tried to take over the assembly by tearing papers and breaking mikes. On the second day of session, when the Janlokpal bill was tabled, both Congress and BJP created a chaos and forced the speaker to go for voting for the introduction of the bill. During the voting, both Congress and BJP joined together to defeat the tabling of the Janlokpal bill.

When it became clear that even the Janlokpal bill is not going to be allowed to be tabled and discussed, AAP thought there is no point in continuing in the governance and just tinkering around when the basic things which needed to be done for the people of Delhi are not going to be allowed. Therefore we thought its better to go back to the people for fresh mandate and come back with a clear majority so that we can implement our agenda.

For more information, please go through the following videos

Arvind’s interview with NDTV after resignation:

Prashant Bhushans hangout on 16th Feb :

Assembly sessions on 14th Feb:

We would also request you to take out some time and go through the achievements of the AAP govt in Delhi which, in a time span as short as 49 days,proved that intentions are more important than governance experience when it comes to serving people :

We are fighting for the common people of our country and not for power. Hope you will support this movement and help us to bring back the glory of India.

Warm Regards

Team AAP
Vasisht said…
ASSUME - Making an ASS of U and ME. If you truly read all my blogs you would have also noticed that I am commenting on strategy and issues and not canvassing for or batting for any political party. Whatever I have to share I have said openly and frankly as issues but if you want to look at & interpret every thing from the prism of a political party and jump to conclusions then that is your opinion. Agreement/Disagreement with AAP or any party on a issue is not a reflection of support or lack of it. Its democracy
Vasisht said…
I agree that AAP needs to mature and will take time but my worry is that today the supporters of AAP are creating a situation wherein a contrarian view on a issue invites abuse like even to this blog and in the long run such supporters would drag down AAP from their path which would be a tragedy. Remember the reputation of AAP is made by its supporters, the reputation of established parties made by history & committed party workers with money power backing them. I think its worth reading my latest blog on statesmanship in politics
Vasisht said…
In a small way I have tried to dwell on the gas pricing issue in my blog. You can read it as a viewpoint on a issue which is what it is and is not intended to support any company or party on the issue. Like I tweeted, if BJP or AAP or Congress changes gas pricing they would be doing a grave disservice to the nation since in the long run it would be disastrous.

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