The Defining Moment in POTUS 2024 Elections
Enough and more is being debated and discussed about the victory of Donald Trump in the USA Presidential elections. Here is my take on the issue.
Before the elections, one felt that Trump had a chance but given his unpredictable behaviour, was most likely to lose. Further, it was obvious that the left socialist deep state did not want him in the White House. The popular expectation was that the deep state would use the election system to legally rig the vote in favour of the democrats. With Joe Biden as the opponent, his chances were optimistic.
Then suddenly Joe Biden nominated Kamala Harris in his place and walked away into the sunset. At that time – she had everything that was perfect based on what we heard/read – Black, Woman, Active proponent of LGBTQ, Abortion etc. Soon the Hollywood glitterati and Silicon Valley corporate honchos officially endorsed her. Given the long line up of big names, a very partial list here, her winning was a foregone conclusion.
Then, one split second, one
bullet, one tiny shake of the head – and the elections suddenly became open.
The deep state obviously knew something that the hoi polloi did not know. The
foregone winner Kamala was very vulnerable, and someone needed to take out
Trump – permanently – if she was to win.
The Secret Service which is
supposed to guard the POTUS candidates seemed to be doing such an amateur job
that they had snipers everywhere, on every roof except on the roof where the
assassin lay waiting. At that distance, less than 140 mtrs, even a rookie shooter
could not have missed. In sniper parlance a 300 mtrs shot is easy, even a
police sniper is trained at 100 mtrs. Worse, the town Butler has a population
of hardly 13,000 people and local folks alerted the security folks about seeing
a man with a gun, which was ignored.
But wait it gets worse. The
killer as mentioned by some was apparently found with 6 phones (supposedly Apple phones) and even
though reports suggest that the phone was broken into, others who should know
have emphatically said that this is not the case. Whatever the truth, the
public still has no feedback on the assassination attempt.
It now gets even worse. As if
this incident wasn’t enough, there was a second and a Third attempt to kill Trump. One is a
conspiracy theory, Two is a Coincidence, Three is a conspiracy fact.
With the second attempt the
poll was not just wide open, but every American citizen was now watching and
reading every single development. Their primal instincts were on top and this assassination attempt was too early in the game - 4 months early.
Politicians and their deep
state handlers globally make one cardinal mistake – they always assume that the
people are stupid. This impression gets reinforced when there is neither some
compelling issue in front of the voters nor a compelling motivation to read,
gossip and analyse incidents around the elections, its candidates. When the system lives in a echo chamber they are finished.
That a nation, which put a man
on the moon 55 yrs ago, has had Playboy since 1953, Penthouse since 1965, but
in 2024 apparently had as its most important and concerning agenda – Abortion –
was beyond all logic. Anybody asking this question was vilified. No doubt this is a very important issue, but was it central to a nation involved in wars,
poor economy, jobs, etc where everything else was excluded?
The next issue was about LGBTQ
and all one had to do was say – "I think I am a woman" – and presto the whole
world must accept it and give them access to ladies’ toilets, locker rooms,
sports, prisons etc. Never mind that the chap was in prison for brutal rape, he
is now in a woman’s prison, because he thinks he is a woman. Nobody asked, why, not one woman had declared – I think I am a man. To talk of preventing discrimination, creating opportunity is one thing – but to convert this issue
into an aspirational goal was quite another. Only a leftist liberal mind could think of this. Parents finding themselves kept
out decisions that involved their children and their sexual identity/
transformations/ surgeries, woman finding themselves competing with men in
sports and all those horrifying crimes by men calling themselves as woman –
churned up the bile in a large segment of society.

In between, the American media, university campuses, with Democrats leading or cheering, went on a Pro Palestine rally
spree and silenced any voice that seemed to disagree. During Covid, the level
of censorship was astounding in a nation that probably invented free speech.
As if all these didn’t brew up
a broth – the Democrats who fancy themselves as savior's of the poor, the
labour and working class, being socialistic – had the rich and famous
millionaires, billionaires, opulent living celebrities, jet setting socialites,
jumping all over - endorsing Kamala. The irony am sure wasn’t lost on the working
To complete the circle of woes
– Democrats could not find anyone other than Kamala to contest. Without judging
her by the memes, just listening to her various speeches, interviews were
enough to say that her articulation of issues, ability to answer pointed
questions was poor for someone aspiring to be POTUS.
The average American, be it of
whatever colour is no different from humans elsewhere. USA was and is touted as
the land of opportunity. Slowly but surely the common citizen was seeing that
this wasn’t exactly true. As I said above – the assassination attempts – meant
that the people started listening to contradictory voices and they knew where
to find them – on Podcasts, SM.
Earlier, people were disappointed with BOTH candidates, both options didn’t exactly excite them, they were resigned to their fate even if many felt that Kamala was the better of the two bad options served up. Suddenly, the campaign had a twist and voters started listening to all
those podcasts and other stuff and decided to come out and vote. They suddenly
felt, that with Trump, they had a choice, an option – may not be the best, but
at any rate a better option than Kamala. He spoke what touched their life
everyday – crime, jobs, economy, freedom, opportunity, gender identification, immigration etc.
When Immigration, Economy, Inflation had 51% Americans concerned as the TOP issues, the Democrats were focusing on promoting/ protecting immigration, and other subjects which voters didn't classify as top concerns - speaks of the humungous disconnect from reality.
Immigration Top Problem
That the Hollywood celebrities
were clueless about reality, while Silicon Valley head honchos salivated at the
control they wielded over humans – is an understatement. Like always it needs
one mad maverick to upset the apple cart – and here it was Elon Musk with his
endorsement of Trump and rest is history as they say.
To get an understanding how
the left liberal woke mind works – more than one Hollywood jet-setting
celebrity has announced leaving the USA to go to one of their mansions
elsewhere, where their echo-chambers work better, some 115,000 have quit the SM
platform X and some others deleted their accounts.
It is tempting to imagine what
could have happened if Trump had not tilted his head (reminded me of the famous
book The Day of the Jackal where Gen De Gaulle escapes death in the same way).
But suffice to say that providence saved him likely with a different purpose.
The next 4 years will be interesting, since what we saw happening in the USA reflects
a global behavior.
The left communist liberal
woke secular sensing that their time had come were in a hurry to get to the
finish line and world domination, but they played their hand too early, too
fast, too wide and many people have seen that through. Be it the former Twitter,
Meta (Facebook), Instagram, Google, NYT, WaPo, CNN, Ivy league campuses and
many more, they were brutal in their cancel culture, censorship was rampant, the
slightest dissident voice was scrubbed out, even logical questions were browbeaten,
and the world was fast becoming a totalitarian state.
The woke behavior
reached such monstrous proportions that convicted rapists (men/transwomen) including
pedophilias who were identifying themselves as woman were lodged in Woman
prisons and continued their violent behavior.
Transgender Offender
Trans Child rapist To Womens Prison
Their tendency to control humanity
by redefining everything under the sun became a tad too obvious. The voting in
countries like Italy, Finland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Netherlands and the
Czech Republic have turned right. France is still holding on, but the tide is
slowly turning. USA just turned but will the momentum keep after 4 years is a
question. In the meantime, nations with a history of conquests like UK, Germany
are sliding down rapidly caught in their own guilt of the past.
Nett zero may be the popular
goal for 2030 to 2050 but how many of these nations will even survive in the
form and fashion they are currently, is the bigger question.
In conclusion a very unpopular
opinion – however much Trump deserves credit for his grit, determination, focus,
hard work to stay the course post 2020 and win 2024, he had God/luck by his
side and the Democrats (including the Obama’s) deserve equal credit for his
victory. They worked harder than Trump to ensure his victory.
Bill Maher
summed it up best when he said - "Democrats have become like a royal
family, that because of so much incest, has unfortunately had children who are
retarded. And the same thing can happen to ideas, if they are also conceived in
an atmosphere of intellectual incest. You just lost a crazy contest to an
actual crazy person,"