However well meaning, when a political system pushes an agenda that threatens to upend all logic, human life and society as we know it and above all demonstrates a hypocrisy that even a deaf mute blind can see and hear, people will react strongly. Even if logic dictates that economics, development, progress should be the cornerstones of human priorities, the same humans will “disregard” these because the threat they see, is seen as a threat to economics, development and progress.
The major mistakes made by the Democrats, liberals, and otherwise derisively termed “wokes” were the following, even if they claim that they are saving the world.
Within a short time after the Covid pandemic started, the larger public were convinced the pandemic was engineered, covid vaccines useless if not dangerous and the pharma industry in cahoots with corrupt politicians was playing god. Gender affirmation and choice activism coming close on the heels of the pandemic only reaffirmed the larger view that the Pharma industry was becoming evil. The Govt in USA actually believed that having a age limit for trans-surgery have (negative) political fallout.
Transgenderism is an anomaly of nature, and such people justifiably need both opportunity and lack of bias. But the system tried to make this a aspirational goal. They encouraged sex change decisions where parents were often not consulted and activists with “God complex” took decisions about young children.
Alongside this, some people including the most vile criminals, serial rapists, paedophiles were given the option of deciding which sex they identified themselves with, and given the freedom to exercise that identity officially, the sense of disgust and fear went soaring into the sky.
“Men” were transferred to women’s prisons, committed crimes which they were habituated to and this was accepted with little protest, because systems ruled that they have the freedom to identify themselves as whatever sex they felt like.
As if these weren’t enough to create serious consternation amongst the public, such decisions extended to women’s sports as well where a man identifying himself as a woman could participate in women’s sports.
Then came this “God Complex” focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Again, an extremely well-meaning idea, but when the efforts are more about playing god, changing society as we know it rather than focus on opportunity and removal of bias, the results caused serious outrage.
Add to this pot-pouri, ideas in corporates like allowing men who identified themselves as woman to access womans toilets, change rooms, making toilets unisex and such, the blowback was only to be expected. Corporates (seemingly under threat from a few large investors who were playing god) promoted these ideas with a iron fist.
Again, without arguing against the well-meaning idea to give opportunity and reduce bias, how the sexual orientation of a person could become a determining factor in not just selecting them for a job role but also the total inability to question their performance was baffling. Corporates would not act against those with poor performance based on their publicly announced sexual orientation but could act against others. The popular joke amongst a significantly large number of employees was that they could get a paid vacation for life if they identified their sexual activity publicly, provided it was different.
As an aside, any public figure who questioned the logic of any of these or even said that women give birth to children was vilified, cancelled from public life and in some cases officially banned from accessing everything in life from bank accounts to taxis. Nobody questioned these hypocrisies and tyranny.
One can justifiably argue that the number of such cases were miniscule. However the sales, marketing, advertising effort across all forms of media, supported by one sided viewpoints/news which tech companies ensured with shadow bans and such, these issues became larger than life. Given the level of publicity, the policy pronouncements, the liberals with maximum media space either openly justified these or stayed silent. When the politics of liberal convenience made these issues mainstream, the outcome was a blowback where one equals a few thousand. That the political system said one thing, blocked the same thing and then vetoed it speaks volumes of the arrogant hypocrisy on the issue.
Very few realise and even fewer accept that these “God Complex” strategies, pursued with an overzealous frenzy by a large political and corporate class created a morbid fear across the wider American population. They just don’t understand that when people find the foundation of their society, way of life and beliefs being uprooted, economics, development and progress are what are getting uprooted. Rather than help the minority with opportunity and removal of bias, this God complex effort resulted in the tyranny of the few against the world at large. People invariably push back tyranny.
Add to this, the Ukraine war which Europe supported and even today promotes as the only solution. In the last few years nobody in Europe has once spoken about Peace as an option with conviction and force. Even today their language is about continued war as the only option but lack the courage to say so openly. However justifiable their distrust of Russia, it is a joke when they have spent more to buy Russian energy than on what they gave Ukraine. Not one has said that they want Peace provided it is viable and protects Ukraine. Their term for peace is only one option – total abject surrender of Russia – as if this can happen in practical political terms - and in the same breath also talk of ending the war with victory. Those who understandably oppose Russia, actually believe that war is the only way to end the war but just dont have the courage to say that out aloud, though some were becoming vocal about this by assuring to send troops to fight Russia, till Trump pulled the plug. Only the most ingenious politician could come up with this statement when they are rejecting any suggestions of a peace negotiation.
Thanks to all those wars that were being waged since long, every country in EU, UK, USA have been getting immigrants by the droves, mostly illegal, upsetting the social balance in almost every country. Once liberal doctrine meant that these people got highly preferred treatment while the long residing citizens, others were expected to sacrifice many aspects of their life as they had seen it.
The icing on the cake came from yet another well-meaning initiative – Climate Change, NettZero. These policies were enforced with ruthless abandon even if that meant large number of citizens were being driven to penury in different parts of Europe, UK. These nations then sought to impose these costs as taxes on other countries in Asia. That these God complex folks actually even came up with the idea, even as a proposal, to kill over 200,000 cows to meet EU climate change goals - is beyond bizarre.
The EU funded farmers to stop farming and if anybody asked the logical question about food security the one was asked the question was the madman. Not those who funded this crazy idea.
Every act of madness had well meaning arguments and a pliant media/ tech giants meant that the tyranny of a few rich playing God was accepted – except that it wasn’t amongst the silent majority. The left socialistic liberals, especially the rich across the world never once felt that maybe there are flaws in all these actions, maybe there are large number of people getting affected, and stayed silent when not supporting such madness.
The preferred way to oppose this God complex was by taking an extreme opposite position, derisively called the far right, but interestingly supported by the centrists and those who disagreed with those playing God. The result was that quite a few such leaders were elected across the world but the icing on the cake was the election of Trump. If he can’t get what he wants he bullies people to get it. His sword cuts good, bad, ugly.
The only thing predictable about Trump is his unpredictability. He attracts no middle ground of emotions. Either people love him or hate him, they lap up his lies and exaggeration or enjoy the over the top bluster he throws. Sadly, the centrist no longer has much of a voice in this melee.
All those who didn’t see, read, hear, comment or outrage about all the madness owing to this God complex, for years, are now suddenly seeing evil in every corner. Those who didn’t hear the screams of anguish of people, are suddenly hearing the screams of the blowback. They now call everybody who is complaining against this god complex games names. A bully like Trump is exposing many a dirty inside story and he is not doing it nicely like a surgeon, but like a butcher, leaving behind a stink. In the process he is on a rampage leaving behind a trail of destruction. The rich socialist is screaming in anger but nobody cares. The people are enjoying this rampage since for a change they are not the one’s who are being crushed, but others. After all Karma strikes back and the wheels turn, the people woke up against the "wokes".
It is nobody’s argument that the picture is indeed getting ugly, but hey don’t blame others, blame the left leaning capitalist protecting his turf by promoting socialism for others and who started playing god and YOU the rich socialist kept silent because it suited you. Blame yourself, since you created folks like Trump. But then its unlikely that this home truth will ever be understood as such folks live in a housing complex of echo chambers understanding pain only when they get hurt.