As the nation celebrates the 125 birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru the first PM of India we see a slew of articles and analysis not to speak of the competitive politics in his name. What amuses me in this whole exercise apart from the immaturity of the political parties especially the Congress is how almost every single writer is viewing the events of 1947-1964 from a 2014 prism and then passing value judgements. The congress is doing the biggest disservice to his memory by insulting the chair/ position of the PMO since from whatever I have read of him Nehru was a man who respected institutions, opponents and displayed graceful behaviour. Having said that let me move on.
Let’s view the situation of India
in 1947. Britain which had entered India as the East India Company to trade had
over time conquered the country and ruled it for 200 years. The East India Company
ruled from 1757 to 1858 and then on until 1947 the British queen ruled. We must
remember here that long before this and even during this period India is known
to have transacted globally across the seas with spices, silk and what have
you. The Indians under the collective tutelage
of the Congress party and with active support from many others who did not
agree with the ideas and policies contributed in their own fashion to the
common goal of Swaraj or Freedom for India. The goal was common.
So in 1947 anyone in his right
mind while encouraging trade and economy would have been foolish to follow a
policy other than that of socialism, state control and swadeshi. So to today raise questions on the Congress
policy lead by Nehru is to me rather stupid. To me the Congress decision then
was a no brainer. The only country/
philosophy that came close to it was the Russian model and the Russian economy
in the post world war era was growing much faster than all others. So it was
but a natural decision to take up the path of socialism in India.
Also it must be remembered
here that every single leader in those times who had an exposure to the globe
be it the Mahatma or Nehru or Patel or people like Birlas, Tatas, Bajajs their
horizon and travel was limited to
Europe/ Britain and at best to South Africa. The exposure of the Indian leaders
or businessmen in that era to USA was practically zero and they never ever saw
an alternative economic view of the world and the USA anyway was not too
enthused about the sub continent. Once India embraced Russia it was but natural
that like elsewhere globally USA embraced Pakistan.
It must go to the eternal
credit of Pandit Nehru that inspite of the embrace with Russia he pushed for a democracy
in India that was shaped in administration/ culture along the Westminster model
but had the soul of the American spirit. Whether he imagined it to be so and
shaped it or it happened by chance we will never know but post 1947 the people
to people ties and the aspiration goal became America but the economy was
inspired by Russia. By allowing the American spirit of democracy to grow even
while following a Russian socialist policy Pandit Nehru comes across as a most
tolerant and broad minded leader which the current Congress has failed to
To me Pandit Nehru was a
dreamer and thus sometimes failed to be realistic and ended up being idealistic
and even naive. While at one level he had the supreme far sightedness to create
enduring institutions in Atomic energy,
Space, Education, Defence, Aerospace, Manufacturing etc he was also prone to
make mistakes like on Kashmir and China
where he failed to see beyond his nose.
The socialist approach and
philosophy should have been modified and changed as we grew and became more
confident but we failed miserably in that and to blame Panditji for it would be
misplaced. Let us digress for a minute
Why the Mahatma did not choose
to become the PM is still a mystery to me.
Sure there are many reasons that are given but to me I call that a major
failure on his part. After having willingly accepted the leadership of a nation
to lead them to freedom he walked away from leading it to its future. Again for whatever reason he chose Panditji
over Patel for his own reasons. I daresay here that hailing from Gujarat maybe
he did not want to be accused of nepotism and so chose Nehru? We hear many
waxing eloquent of what if Patel had become PM but none once ask what if the
Mahatma had become PM. The Mahatma was 78 (compared to Morarji at 81, Vajpayee
at 74, Manmohan Singh at 72) and in my opinion if he had become PM who knows
what contours this country would have taken. What if India had not been partitioned?
Each of these questions are superfluous and indulging in fantasy and whatever
happened, happened so lets deal with it.
Panditji for whatever faults
he had created institutions and encouraged
them to grow but we as a people soon got used to the state patronage and we
became in a sense parasites on our own system. For example the idea of small scale industries
was that they grow over time from childhood to adulthood but instead most
people started multiple small scale industries in different names to stay small
and keep availing state support. They refused to grow and the government
administration soon got compromised and after that the two were like conjoined
twins, living of each other. We never developed economies of scale and became
competitive. We liked to be mollycuddled and the babu loved to be fawned upon
and the neta enjoyed the adulation of the masses. The system was fast becoming
naked and no one noticed.
Once Panditji died in 1964
Shastri was too timid in my opinion to lead the country. Sure he gets accolades
for the 1965 war and the agricultural revolution but unlike Nehru he did not
display the drive, energy, action, passion which was needed to push this
country fast forward. Like Jack Welch said that his successor must flip the
company to grow and not follow the same path we needed someone who would do
that and Shastri died rather early and Indira came in. To me given her
boundless energy, support base, decisiveness she could have flipped this
country over whichever way she wanted and she failed. She instead drove this country
faster in the same direction that was established 20 years ago in 1947. But she
lacked the grace and dedication to systems, institutions and traditions unlike
Panditji and she trampled across them and broke their back alongwith a passive
babudom that sailed along and a pliable congress party that had lost its spine
To blame Panditji for this is
incorrect since he steered the country in a particular direction without much
choice and built the foundation required in every possible manner but his
progeny stuck at these very foundations weakening them.
The Janata experiment in 1977
was the AAP of those times which actually won the elections and did not resign
but had the same anarchist ideas and in those 3 years they destroyed Indian economy
beyond hope in the name of power to the people. They had zero vision on economics,
thought that destruction would mean that a new country would emerge without
know how to construct.
In reality barring for Shastri
every subsequent PM and the Congress party which ruled the country did acts
that Nehru would never have approved off. The culture and behaviour
progressively deteriorated. Indira retained some aspects of Panditji but more
as an exception. Lets consider these 2 incidents involving the armed forces.
Panditji was asked by an
Indian army officer why the PMship should not be given to a foreigner since
Nehru had no experience and thus Gen Cariappa was appointed the first Chief of
the Army by him. Panditji never took umbrage at this question and the officers
had courage to voice their opinions in such a manner. Similarly Indira
respected the decisions of FM Manekshaw
when it came to the 1971 war and also subsequently when she suspected that an
army coup was being planned she handled it with maturity.
Rajiv again had energy, youth,
passion, drive and the political mandate to bring whatever changes he wanted but not only did he not do so but showed a
lack of maturity in handling people. Just look at the way he sent back his
chief of security/ secretary from the Andamans because they objected to him driving
a new car very fast, his dismissal of the Foreign Secretary Venkateshwaran, his
treatment of the Andhra Chief Minister Anjaiah and dismissal of a duly elected NT Rama Rao.
With him the destruction of grace, politeness, and tolerance in Congress
was complete.
Panditji who called the
factories, educational institutions as temples of modern India and spoke of a
vision for India, enthused the people across the spectrum of society to believe in a brighter future and work as a
team. Whether it was a Patel or Ram Manohar Lohia he tolerated a opposing point
of view and defended their right to disagree but as a nation he carried them
along. His differences with Patel are legion whether it was on Kashmir or Hyderbad
but there is no evidence to suggest that
it created animosity or bitterness between them. The goal and idea of India was
common to them and while they could disagree on a particular point their
destiny was entwined towards a strong united India.
Panditji enjoyed life, lived
in the fast lane be it with a stylish cigarette or a beautiful woman or simply
dancing with visitors and playing with children and rubbing shoulders with
global leaders as an confident equal with a drink in hand. He wasn’t hypocritical about it.
Yes he was not perfect, made
mistakes and never claimed to be what the Congress today claims him to be.
So today when there is so
much competitiveness to appropriate Nehru and a Congress party says
that they would not invite the Prime Minister
of India claiming he doesn’t believe in democracy when he has been elected by the people of India
in a democratic vote the party is
failing Panditji on every single count that he stood for. They are not only
insulting Panditji but also the people of India by this action. Whether the
Congress agrees /disagrees with Modi the man is their point of view and they
are entitled to it but to insult the chair of PM of India is unacceptable and
they are doing exactly the opposite of what Panditji did for this country –
building and respecting institutions and being tolerant in the common goal
& destiny of India. Congress is demonstrating that they don’t respect the
chair, the institution or even the people.
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru must
be rolling in his grave at these antics of Congress and must be wishing he had
followed the advice of the Mahatma which was to dissolve the Congress party upon
attainment of independence.