I had been observing the comments and reactions of various people on Facebook and while many were friends others were those I didn’t know. However when 2 very educated successful people who can be called opinion makers and who’s opinions are likely to give directions to many a youngster shared some stuff I felt that I had to respond. My responses are as below. What they said, is not relevant to be shared here since that would mean dragging them into my opinion, but anyone who reads this will get the message that I am trying to convey. I love reading all those long detailed posts that many intellectuals post and others share them and other intellectuals then hail and share. I have just one point. I am yet to see a single post by anybody where they talk positive, talk optimistic, talk progress, talk dreams, talk future, talk plans.......the ONLY thing they do very very well is spew hatred, spew vitriol, share pessimism of the hig hest order, make you believe that life is not worth ...
An engineer, PG in Rural Management, 37 yrs in global corporate life. Traveled globally. A hugely diverse life across Food processing, Plastics, Defence, Composites, Clean Energy, Automotive, Electronics, Healthcare - a jack of all who thinks is also a master when convenient. Wacky good sense of humour & don't take myself seriously. Economics, Politics, Business Strategy and Defense are subjects that attract my attention. Management Strategy my job. My blogs reflect this diversity