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Showing posts from 2014

The New BJP government - current status view

The BJP government is in place since about 6 months and many, especially the strident critics of BJP are asking many a question about its performance and actions and in a way it is understandable since people are impatient. An oft repeated comment is that BJP has majority and yet no action is being taken.  Let us examine it a bit more dispassionately. Like I have written in one of my blogs much earlier, the rise and success of Modi is not just about his capability, vision, strategy, energy and hard work. It is also about the entirely avoidable failures of his opponents both within his own party and amongst the opposition with some substantial assistance from the media. Let us step back for a moment to quickly revisit this. As I have written in my blogs  and the Congress worked hard to ensure they made avoidable mistakes and...

Congress and the Nehru legacy

As the nation celebrates the 125 birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru the first PM of India we see a slew of articles and analysis not to speak of the competitive politics in his name. What amuses me in this whole exercise apart from the immaturity of the political parties especially the Congress is how almost every single writer is viewing the events of 1947-1964 from a 2014 prism and then passing value judgements. The congress is doing the biggest disservice to his memory by insulting the chair/ position of the PMO since from whatever I have read of him Nehru was a man who respected institutions, opponents and displayed graceful behaviour. Having said that let me move on. Let’s view the situation of India in 1947. Britain which had entered India as the East India Company to trade had over time conquered the country and ruled it for 200 years. The East India Company ruled from 1757 to 1858 and then on until 1947 the British queen ruled. We must remember here that long b...

Mars, Coal and Surprise visits

Three news items on same day motivated me to write this blog. For sometime now thanks to Modi sarkar I had no time to breathe but that experience will follow sometime in the future, not now. Mars : It was a red letter day in Indian space technology as India became the 4 th country to enter Martian orbit and the first to do so on the first attempt at the lowest cost in least time. Rightfully so the PM was present at this occasion which had the risk of a “failure”. That in itself is a huge feather in his cap because how many politicians will want to be physically present when a failure is a possibility. He further said that if incase there had been a failure he would have assumed responsibility. How many politicians have the courage to state this even as rhetoric? No media reported this incidentally. But the point here is not Modi, and what I said above, was just the preamble.  The point here is the fact that Indian scientists paid peanuts which normally produces monkeys, p...

Post Election Thoughts

The elections are over and results are out. Whether people like it or not, if we believe in democracy we must accept the result with grace and move on. Modi or Rahul or Mulayam, they are not going to be sitting by your bedside to hold your hand. They are gonna throw a basket that has flowers - (some fresh, some stinking rotten and how many of each we dont know) - into the indian crowd. What we catch or what hits us we dont know. So lets wait and watch with optimism. One thing I noticed was that after 1977 which was when my personal interest in politics started this was the first election where the majority of the citizens were emotionally involved. Everyone took pole positions, nothing mattered but politics. There was huge polarisation not just in terms of caste, community, religion but also 2 new religions as I came to term them - AM & PM - Anti Modi, Pro Modi - and the 2 new religions dominated the landscape of India drowning the traditional groups. With 72 seats in UP and 7 ...

Just an Opinion

I had been observing the comments and reactions of various people on Facebook and while many were friends others were those I didn’t know. However when 2 very educated successful people who can be called opinion makers and who’s opinions are likely to give directions to many a youngster shared some stuff I felt that I had to respond. My responses are as below. What they said, is not relevant to be shared here since that would mean dragging them into my opinion, but anyone who reads this will get the message that I am trying to convey. I love reading all those long detailed posts that many intellectuals post and others share them and other intellectuals then hail and share. I have just one point. I am yet to see a single post by anybody where they talk positive, talk optimistic, talk progress, talk dreams, talk future, talk plans.......the ONLY thing they do very very well is spew hatred, spew vitriol, share pessimism of the hig hest order, make you believe that life is not worth ...

Statesmanship in Politics - Can WE change first?

When the run up to the Lok Sabha elections of 2014 were in progress and the  belligerence and hardline attitudes of various politicians both within parties and against opponents unfolded I had a serious doubt that these elections would prove to be violent. So far keeping my fingers crossed since no untoward incidents have happened. But verbal violence has been increasing by the day and no one party or leader can claim to be above it. The speeches are full of barbs,  jabs, punches, sarcasm but never have I seen a single incident of wit where the point is made with a joke which is both conveying the message and also is not offensive. At best the sarcasm has elicited laughter. While elections are generally a  free for all and so greater latitude given, fact is that every single party has been going overboard and none are spared.  While this discourse from the main stream parties like Congress, BJP, SP etc are to be expected and so taken with a large bucket of sa...

Letter I received from AAP and My response....

This is the email I got and my response is below. Of course AAP has neither acknowledged my mail nor do I expect them to since you see they are god, perfection rolled into one. From:  Aam Aadmi Party To:  Ravindra Vasisht <................>  Sent:  Wednesday, 2 April 2014 9:53 PM Subject:  Why did Arvind Kejriwal resign? Dear Ravindra Vasisht As an Aam Aadmi Party supporter, you must have been asked a hundred times, why Arvind Kejriwal resigned as the Delhi Chief Minister? Well, here is the answer. AAP got  only 28 of 70 seats  in the Delhi Assembly election. Still, the Lt Governor invited Arvind to form the government, as the Congress (with 8 seats) had offered unconditional support. Finding it hard to believe, Arvind sent a letter to the Congress President listing out the 18 points in the AAP manifesto, including passing of the Jan Lokpal bill. The Congress reverted saying it will support AAP unconditionally ...

What I want

I sat moodily at the Anglers Arms & Rest nursing a homemade brew and contemplating life. When I had woken up in the morning I was bright as a lark, the elections had been announced and there was a buzz all around but the events of the day had affected me badly. Betty our resident waitress stopped by and said “A vote for your thoughts” and I winced visibly since if that were to happen maybe I should seriously reconsider moving to some place where elections are banned. Betty looked at me and said “What’s biting you? Is it girl trouble?” Well, I wish it were since I think those troubles are easier to handle than what I was facing. Betty didn’t wait for me to answer but said “You are looking like my brother who is also trying to drink his troubles away. And to think that all I asked him was to help me put out an advertisement in the matrimonial website for me, his being an IT guy and all that”. “So you getting married ? Who’s the lucky guy?” Betty scornfully said “If I had...