It was about 2 years ago that a small frail old man Anna Hazare shook the nation with his decision to oppose the rampant corruption in India. His wagging finger galvanised an entire country especially the young who rose as one to support him. That this same finger shook the establishment is also fact. Anna Hazare to be honest was an unknown entity except to those of us who have had a long relationship with Indian politics and history. But yet the youngsters many of them teenagers saw in him a messiah and a Gandhi reborn. His propulsion to the national stage and capturing of the young crowd would not have been possible but for the herculean efforts of the India Against Corruption movement which leveraged the internet, social media, mobile communication to telling effect. This movement was supported and nurtured by many but 3 names stood out like the Ashoka pillar. Arvind Kejriwal, Kiran Bedi and Prashant Bhushan. The reputation and capability of these 3 very worthies was hig...
An engineer, PG in Rural Management, 37 yrs in global corporate life. Traveled globally. A hugely diverse life across Food processing, Plastics, Defence, Composites, Clean Energy, Automotive, Electronics, Healthcare - a jack of all who thinks is also a master when convenient. Wacky good sense of humour & don't take myself seriously. Economics, Politics, Business Strategy and Defense are subjects that attract my attention. Management Strategy my job. My blogs reflect this diversity