A brief thought as I complete 2 years dealing with many folks in a new role - as consultant - very different from as a employee since my own way of dealing with them changes. The reader looking at this from a employee/sales person eyes versus the more neutral eye can understand my comments better. At one level very often these head honchos want to use a consultant to independently endorse their ideas so that they can get their shareholders/ family/ others to accept them. Some decide to jump on a horse that looks to be the flavour of the day and expect the consultant to make that happen. Some others think the consultant is their operating manager who will given them the results while they go on a "vacation" and when the penny drops blame the consultant for not giving them results. One lot don't listen to the advise given, do their own thing and then when they stumble, hurting themselves expect the consultant to make the pain go away. There are some folks who thrive and are...
An engineer, PG in Rural Management, 37 yrs in global corporate life. Traveled globally. A hugely diverse life across Food processing, Plastics, Defence, Composites, Clean Energy, Automotive, Electronics, Healthcare - a jack of all who thinks is also a master when convenient. Wacky good sense of humour & don't take myself seriously. Economics, Politics, Business Strategy and Defense are subjects that attract my attention. Management Strategy my job. My blogs reflect this diversity