One of the challenges in one’s career is that you grow up, become a “boss” yourself and then its not easy to place a person you report to on a pedestal. The relationships grow more equal and you become an equal partner in most situations unless there is a situation that exposes ones own limitations. Yet there can be exceptions and Mr. Dev Avadhani is that for sheer attitude, energy where he could shame a 25-year-old. Dev also provided maximum “thrills” in a manner of speaking. If the reader wants a trailer, then he can read this blog of mine from 2015. Hence, this piece is also written in a light-hearted manner. A Meeting with Dev When I was appointed to the job, I was supposed to join a totally different division. Days before the joining date I was moved to the division headed by Dev. Normally anybody heading a business would throw a fit at being given a 2nd in command he had never met. But Dev simply took it in his stride like everything else. One meeting over coffee and we were frie...
An engineer, PG in Rural Management, 37 yrs in global corporate life. Traveled globally. A hugely diverse life across Food processing, Plastics, Defence, Composites, Clean Energy, Automotive, Electronics, Healthcare - a jack of all who thinks is also a master when convenient. Wacky good sense of humour & don't take myself seriously. Economics, Politics, Business Strategy and Defense are subjects that attract my attention. Management Strategy my job. My blogs reflect this diversity