Three news items on same day motivated me to write this blog. For sometime now thanks to Modi sarkar I had no time to breathe but that experience will follow sometime in the future, not now. Mars : It was a red letter day in Indian space technology as India became the 4 th country to enter Martian orbit and the first to do so on the first attempt at the lowest cost in least time. Rightfully so the PM was present at this occasion which had the risk of a “failure”. That in itself is a huge feather in his cap because how many politicians will want to be physically present when a failure is a possibility. He further said that if incase there had been a failure he would have assumed responsibility. How many politicians have the courage to state this even as rhetoric? No media reported this incidentally. But the point here is not Modi, and what I said above, was just the preamble. The point here is the fact that Indian scientists paid peanuts which normally produces monkeys, p...
An engineer, PG in Rural Management, 37 yrs in global corporate life. Traveled globally. A hugely diverse life across Food processing, Plastics, Defence, Composites, Clean Energy, Automotive, Electronics, Healthcare - a jack of all who thinks is also a master when convenient. Wacky good sense of humour & don't take myself seriously. Economics, Politics, Business Strategy and Defense are subjects that attract my attention. Management Strategy my job. My blogs reflect this diversity