However well meaning, when a political system pushes an agenda that threatens to upend all logic, human life and society as we know it and above all demonstrates a hypocrisy that even a deaf mute blind can see and hear, people will react strongly. Even if logic dictates that economics, development, progress should be the cornerstones of human priorities, the same humans will “disregard” these because the threat they see, is seen as a threat to economics, development and progress. The major mistakes made by the Democrats, liberals, and otherwise derisively termed “wokes” were the following, even if they claim that they are saving the world. Within a short time after the Covid pandemic started, the larger public were convinced the pandemic was engineered, covid vaccines useless if not dangerous and the pharma industry in cahoots with corrupt politicians was playing god. Gender affirmation and choice activism coming close on the heels of the pandemic only reaffirmed the larger view ...
One of those times when one has multiple things to say. Maha Khumb 2025 This can be considered the largest (Hindu) religious and spiritual event in the universe. Firstly, this was an event after 144 years unlike popular perception of once in 12 years. The definitions. Once in 4 years – Khumb 6 years – Ardh Khumb 12 years – Poorna Khumb 144 years – Maha Khumb In the 18th and 19th century the number of devotees who visited the Khumb varied between 0.5 to 2.5 Million – since public transportation those days did not exactly exist. In the early 2000’s around 70 Million visited the Khumb and in 2013 about 120 Million devotees made this pilgrimage. I did this in Allahabad 2013 – purely by accident than design, and when I said as much, a police constable rebuked me rather sharply – you don’t come to the Ganga, Ganga maiyya (mother) calls you to visit her. Suitably chastened I understood the meaning of that phrase for the first time. In 2013 when the Samajwadi Party was in power, the arrangemen...