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Modi 3.0 & Caste Census

After the elections in 2014 and 2019 when BJP obtained majority, one did expect a certain level of anti-incumbency. The opposition had come together in an intelligent manner. There were no contentious issues that could have helped or harmed BJP. Abrogation of Art 370 and Ram Mandir inauguration gave BJP some talking points. Yet the results were such that the debate was, the opposition, especially Congress had won. The mood created by media and BJP supporters within themselves was one of despondency and defeat. The opposition, especially Congress and Rahul Gandhi carried the day even if BJP had been the victor. How true is this perception? For long Congress leaders kept talking of how more than 60% of India “rejected” BJP because the vote share of BJP was between 30 to 40 %. This same logic when applied to Congress, it had been rejected by 55% of the voters in the first election held after independence. Even in 1977 when everybody had come together to cobble up the Janata Party, they
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Questions - Answers anyone ?

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Modi Govt end of term view 2019 - Part 4 End

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